US hò Iran 1-0 nado pe Netherlands to adà bọlu-hògbẹ 16 hẹ gbọngodo lẹ tọn mẹ

Azangaagbe, Abọ̀húsun 30, 2022

Christian Pulisic ze otò etọn United States (US) yi adà bọlu-hògbẹ 16 lẹ mẹ to bọlu-hihò lẹdo aihọnpe tọn mẹ to Oguzangbe dile Amẹlika-nu lẹ ze Iran jai podo agó 1-0 po to aihun yetọn mẹ.

Bọlu-hòtọ dagbe Chelsea tọn pọplọ ogbẹ́ pipli B tọn yiwhè podo agó he ye do po to nukunwhiwhe 38tọ mẹ nado yi wleawuna aihun awetọ he ye na da sọta pipli A he tin to nukọn he yin Netherlands to Sibigbe.

Asisa lẹ
