Mì na lá kọdetọn vòbibla lẹ tọn po awuyiya po wẹ INEC dọ

Sẹgbe, Afínplọsun 26, 2023

Ogbẹ́ he nọ deanana vòbibla to otò Naijilia tọn mẹ, The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), ko na jide tòvi lẹ dọ kọdetọn vòbibla nado de togán po afọzedaitọ lẹ po tọn he wá aimẹ to Sibigbe na yin lila po awuyiya po dile e na yọnbasi do. Azinponọ INEC tọn, Prof. Mahmood Yakubu na nudọnamẹ ehe to hokansemẹ de whenu to Ahọluzangbe to Abuja.

Asisa lẹ jlado