Gbẹtọ 19 wẹ kú bọ omẹ 24 yin whinwhlẹngán to agahun Tanzanian tọn he gba mẹ wẹ Precision Air dọ

Oguzangbe, Abọ̀húsun 8, 2022

Agahun Tanzanian tọn he nọ bẹ gbẹtọ lẹ he gbà to Sẹgbe ko yí gbigbọ omẹ 19 tọn to whenue yé to linlin lọ zinjẹgbonu dile gbẹtọ 24 wẹ ko yin whinwhlẹngán. Ehe yin didohia gbọn Precision Air dali to hó he yin didọ to whenu Kleun he nujijọ lọ wá aimẹ godo bọ ninọmẹ gbẹmẹ tọn ko yín whẹgbledo gándo nujijọ lọ go.

Asisa lẹ jlado