Dodinnanu dotowhe tọn dohia dọ ovi Davido tọn Ifeanyi kútọ wẹ

Tẹnigbe, Abọ̀húsun 7, 2022

Pono-pamẹ daho Awọnlin tọn to azán atọ̀n die hẹn zun yinyọnẹn dọ Ifeanyi Adeleke, he yin ovi Davido po asi-mọdo-aliji etọn Chioma Rowland po tọn, yin matintọ to whenue ovi owhe atọ̀n mevi lọ kútọ to whegbe. Kọdetọn dodinnanu ehe tọn yin nina gbọn Ponọ-gán he nọ penukundo nuhe jọ do tovi lẹ go, yèdọ Police Public Relations Officer, he yinkọ etọn nọ yin Benjamin Hundeyin dali to whenuena dodinnanu doto lẹ tọn dohia dọ tọku we e kú to Sibigbe.

Asisa lẹ jlado